Empowering People with Disabilities Through Equal Employment and Technology
Beyond having good health, people with disabilities deserve to be valued and accepted for their unique strengths. At Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, a world-class sporting event for people with disabilities, the host country, France, continues to emphasize the value of people with disabilities. Instead of just showing sympathy and offering help, the focus is on recognizing their value, strength, and uniqueness, just like everyone else. Similarly, Thailand has continuously improved the lives of people with disabilities, from welfare support to skill enhancement, helping them contribute meaningfully to society.
At transcosmos, we see the untapped potential in people with disabilities and, together with Vulcan Coalition, are committed to creating a work environment where equal opportunities are available for all. Our mission is to empower people with disabilities through meaningful work in roles such as Data Cleansing Agents—critical to the ever-growing demand for data analytics across industries.
1. transcosmos and Vulcan are providing equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
2. Designing the work process and environment to be suitable for everyone.
3. Bringing technology to facilitate employees with disabilities.
transcosmos and Vulcan are providing equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
As consumer behavior evolves in this digital age, businesses rely heavily on data. Consumers are more interested and careful when purchasing products, comparing features, reading reviews, and conducting detailed research information. Therefore, there is an enormous amount of data. transcosmos recognizes the importance of this data and uses it to drive business growth and expand new services. Consequently, data analytics has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes, including small enterprises, large corporations, and e-commerce platforms. transcosmos recognizes a valuable opportunity in employing people with disabilities, supported by the Vulcan Coalition, as they have taken on key roles as Data Cleansing Agents, contributing significantly to managing, organizing, and clean data, preparing it for further analysis.
This not only provides them with a stable income but also fosters pride through engaging in valuable work.
Designing the work process and environment to be suitable for everyone.
Providing a suitable work environment and methods is not just about supporting the rights of people with disabilities but about fostering opportunities and equality for everyone, with no direct or indirect discrimination against people with disabilities. It allows everyone to learn, gain experience working with diverse groups, and enhance their skills and perspectives.
transcosmos applies the same standards when assigning tasks and personnel allocation, prioritizing knowledge and understanding of the work. Additionally, they also support remote work-from-home arrangements, utilizing technology to keep employees connected.
Bringing technology to facilitate employees with disabilities.
Since the beginning of 2024, 14 people with disabilities have joined our project, working from home in a technology-driven, cloud-based environment. transcosmos uses cutting-edge technology to enable flexible working conditions, ensuring that employees with disabilities have the same access and opportunities as everyone else. From internet systems to communication tools, we ensure that all team members, regardless of physical limitations, can collaborate seamlessly from anywhere.
Our goal is to build an inclusive society where people with disabilities can thrive, take care of themselves, and live with dignity. By promoting equal access to education, employment, and public services, transcosmos and Vulcan Coalition are supporting individuals with disabilities in leading independent and fulfilling lives.